Energy Efficient Homes

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Energy Efficient Homes

New homes in California and other desert environments must be built to the most stringent energy code in the country, but given America's projected population growth, even this may not be enough to keep demand for energy in check. Generation and use of energy are major contributors to air pollution and global climate change. With homes accounting for roughly 31% of the electricity consumed in the state, it is clear that homebuilders have a significant role to play in helping our society address energy-related concerns now and in the coming decades. 

Energy efficiency is the cornerstone of every green home. Improving energy efficiency and using renewable energy sources are effective ways to reduce the potential of energy supply interruptions, improve air quality, reduce the impacts of global warming, and slow the rate at which we need to build new power plants. Energy efficiency also makes good sense for homeowners: an energy-efficient house saves money by reducing utility bills year after year, and provides other valuable benefits. Better insulation, for example, reduces uncomfortable drafts, and double-pane windows make for a quieter home.